Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Not Just Another Book Report...

       While reading Grown Up Digital by Don Tapscott, it really became clear to me how much the Net Generation (or my generation, I suppose…) utilizes the internet and other forms of technology for day to day tasks.  Tapscott opened my eyes at the benefits and criticisms of how my generation is dependent on the growing technology offered in society.  He gives easy to follow information for the baby boomer era on how to understand this new generation. 
       I completely understand the criticisms presented in books such as The Dumbest Generation.  Society has become obsessed with staying connected and the dependency on cell phones and laptops is being seen in children younger and younger.  On the other hand, does age really play such a big part in how in-tune you are with your surroundings?  I don’t think that your age makes you old.  I think that your inability to keep up with our ever changing society makes you older.  To those complaining about our dependency on technology and media, what do you use to stay in contact with your friends or family?  A cell phone?  A lap top?  It may not be a smart phone or a fancy MacBook, but fifty years ago someone sitting in your shoes may have been writing a critique about future society downfall because of its dependency on new technology.  
       Our generation might not know what the capital of Peru is.  But we know where to find the information, and we can come back with pages and pages of new facts on the country that ten seconds ago we knew nothing about.  We might not know how to change the oil in a car or knit a scarf, but in the click of a button we can find step-by-step instructions and master a technique right then and there.  So before you completely disregard our intelligence and accuse us of ignorance and stupidity, just take a minute to look how far we have come since ten years ago.  Or fifty.  Or a century ago.  Breakthroughs in science, going green, and maintaining relationships with those on opposite sides of the planet are incredible feats that us as human beings have accomplished.  So take a breath and relax.  The net generation isn’t all that bad.  We may even be able to do some good on this place we call earth.

A Vision of Students Today- YouTube

A Generation With More Than Hand-Eye Coordination

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